Part 2: 1973-1977

After her divorce, Seka started dating Ken Yontz. “Ken was very nice to me,” she would later say. “He treated me well and spoke to me as an equal. Back in those days, women weren’t always treated with dignity. Ken spoke to me in a more respectful manner that most men had in the past, especially employers. He was also a lot more sophisticated than Frank… As time went on, I became very attracted to him. Maybe because he was my boss, an authority figure, combined with all the other things he seemed to have going for him.”

Ken would often make business trips to Baltimore in order to buy stock and eventually asked Seka to join him. “I’d hardly ever been out of the state of Virginia, so it sounded like Paris… He had a home in Baltimore, but reserved a hotel room for us. I was so excited about everything I didn’t really think about the sleeping arrangements. He said we weren’t going to be in town long, so why get two rooms? God I was so naïve.

“As we approached the hotel, it was kind of weird because I was working with him and it
suddenly hit me that we were sharing the room and what his intentions were. It was okay, though, because I was into him. I appreciated how he had treated me up to this point. He didn’t make it seem like I owed him a lay or anything like that. He wasn’t all hands and there were no threats of losing my job if I didn’t put out. I figured what the heck; I hadn’t slept with anyone since Frank. I didn’t see any downside to it.”

Seka in 1973
According to Seka, “We got up the next morning and I didn’t feel any different. I had a good time and he treated me like a lady. My impression was that we would probably do it again and it might lead to something or it might not… The sex was good, but I don’t remember having romantic thoughts… I wasn’t in love with the guy, but I liked him well enough and he turned me on. I figured I was free, single, and on my own. I didn’t have to feel bad about it.”

Following their trip to Baltimore, Seka and Ken began to see more of each other, and although she admits, “I don’t think I was ever in love with Ken,” he eventually moved in with her. “He needed a place to crash near the store where I worked; I had a place, so we both figured it would be cheaper if he moved in and we shared the rent.”

According to Seka, “Everything seemed to be going okay, but Ken started travelling a lot and I wasn’t crazy about being alone in that big store. I had to close up with four, five, six thousand dollars in my purse, which wasn’t the safest thing for a woman alone… I was very nervous at midnight, putting that money in my car and driving home so I could take it to the bank the next day.”

Tired of arguments over security and afraid of being arrested, Seka decided to quit working at the bookstore. “The heat started coming down on the stores – they were busting people left and right. My name was on the licenses and I didn’t want to go to jail!”

Seka moved back to Hopewell where she ran into her ex-husband. They reconnected and she moved in with him. Eventually he suggested they move to Las Vegas and make a new start. “Money was getting real tight because I wasn’t working and he wasn’t doing that well either. Frank thought Vegas was the land of opportunity.”

Seka in 1974
She found work in Vegas as a poker shield; “a poker shield was a pretty girl who sat at the table to lure the guys to stay and play… I simply had no idea what I was doing – I never played the game before. They fired me.”

During her brief employment at the casino she also became friends with a Serbian blackjack dealer named Seka (a Serbo-Croatian term of endearment for a little girl). “She was blonde and sweet, a real pretty girl.”

She then saw an ad for nude modelling. “Frank wasn’t having any better luck in the job hunting department, so I said, ‘What the hell?’ I figured it wouldn’t bother Frank since he’d already tried pimping me out once before… And the money sounded real good.” According to Seka, “when I told my mother about it she said, ‘You’ve got a hot body – go for it.’ So I did my first photo session while I was in Vegas.”

She would later recall, “The shoot was in Vegas, which at the time wasn’t built up like it is now. It was in the outskirts of town, outdoors in a wooded area. I had on a deerskin vest that just had a string tied in the back, with little feathers hanging down from it. It was a hippy-ish thing that was pretty much what girls were wearing at the time… It didn’t bother me to take my clothes off, as I knew what I was getting into… I was a little shy, but the guy made me feel comfortable... I thought it was a one-shot deal. I needed fast dough, the car needed gas, I needed food, and it was so easy I would hardly even call it work. I doubted I’d ever be naked in front of a camera again.”

With the Vegas adventure reaching a dead-end, Seka and Frank returned to Virginia. “We drove back and it felt depressing, defeated. Inside, I felt nothing for him. I’m not even sure why I hooked up with him again in the first place. Maybe it was just convenient comfort combined with loneliness and horniness… But I was sure I was done with Frank for good this time… I had no clue as to what I was going to do and figured I’d stroll on back to Ken.”

“[Ken] hired me back on the spot… We just picked up where we left off, no questions asked. Although I did have feelings for him, it wasn’t love – even more so now. Yet next thing I knew, we were back living together in the same place we had.”

First photo shoot in 1977
According to Seka, “When I returned to Virginia, the nude layout came out and it sold really well in the stores.” After the success of the photo layout, “one of our distributors asked me to make a movie and I thought, ‘Well, it’s now or never.’” She would later admit, “I don’t know why, but I wasn’t stunned or offended.”

“I saw the women who were doing films, and I thought that what I saw was pretty disgusting, the way women looked. The women weren’t taking control of their own situation. They had pimples on their butts and they had dirty feet and stringy hair and no make up. I said ‘Damn, I could do this better than that’, so I did.”

In a time when most women in the adult industry had a ‘natural’ look, Seka began designing a sleek, sexually explosive platinum image. “I shave my pussy lips because it feels better. More sensitive. And men seem to like it... I wear lingerie in my films and personally. Men like to feel that silk rubbing up against their back and the garters touching them at the same time, a little skin touching too.”

Her decision to enter the world of hard-core pornography led her out-of-state again. “I went to Baltimore and did this little fifteen-minute thing. The name escapes me, but who cares.”

“This should have been one of those mega-moments in one’s life, a turning point where a person has a major ethical dilemma to wrestle with. It wasn’t. I’d posed nude on a whim because I needed the money, the experience had been pleasant enough, and now because I’d been so well received, some other people wanted me to appear in a movie, so what the hell?”

“I really wasn’t nervous. I don’t know why, I just wasn’t. Maybe because it was moving so fast and had caught me off guard. I mean, I didn’t wake up that morning figuring I’d be asked to star in a porno… Maybe I was being selfish, but I didn’t feel concerned about what anyone else would think. Also, I figured it was a one-time thing that nobody I knew was going to see, just like my magazine shoot…. The thoughts passing through my head were not, ‘I’m being exploited.’ They were, ‘I’m being liberated.

Thinking back years later, Seka had only vague recollections of the experience, unable to even recall the name of her co-star. “All I remember is he was around my age and skinny as hell… There was a bed with a flowered pattern that was God-awful 1970’s yellow… This wasn’t going to be glamorous.”

Despite the surroundings, Seka would later admit, “I felt excited. I was enjoying the sex, believe it or not. The guy was clean, decent-looking, nice to me, and good at what he was doing. What was there not to like?  Maybe because it was so taboo. Things that are forbidden are usually exciting… The guy ejaculated on my face… It never bothered me to watch it, but since this was the first time it happened to me – ever – it kind of flipped me out.”

After the shoot Seka was completely blasé about the experience. “I took my shower all the while thinking, ‘Not bad. Four hundred bucks for an hour and a half. And I got laid. Got laid, got paid. Win-win.’ It didn’t bother me, even with the cumshot.”

Seka and Ken

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