Part 1: 1954-1972

Dorothiea Ivonniea Hundley was born on 15 April 1954 in Radford, Virginia. Her parents both worked for the local Hercules Powder Company, which made rocket ignition powder. Along with her brother and sister, Dorothiea grew up leading an unremarkable life as a small-town American girl.

“Life in the mountains was good. Even though I didn’t have a lot of brothers and sisters, I had lots of first cousins and second cousins and everybody just grew up together. You’re never alone… I was skinny, and I didn’t have any front teeth. I was a tomboy and I didn’t like wearing dresses. I didn’t want to be a girl. Girls didn’t have any fun. They couldn’t go and play with worms and dig in the dirt.

“I was eight years old in 1961 and my mom and dad had gotten divorced because she was cheating on him… My mother reminded me of Jane Russell – a va-va-va-voom body and the most beautiful wavy dark black hair, olive complexion, dark brown eyes, and the straightest, whitest teeth I’ve ever seen. She was gorgeous… when she walked in the room every head snapped around because she was so stunning. The woman could talk to a post and make it drool.”

Although her mother re-married, she appeared more concerned with her own entertainment than caring for her three children, and it wasn’t long before Seka, her brother and sister were all put in an institution. “We were never abused like in those horrible orphanages in the movies, but life was pretty dull.”

J-V basketball team
In 1967 she eventually moved in with her aunt and uncle, John Trussler, in order to attend high school in the neighbouring town of Hopewell, Virginia. “I did well academically – usually a B average, which for somebody who didn’t work that hard was pretty good. I was actually having too much fun to study because I had this whole new life.”

“I was growing into a vivacious, physically well-endowed young lady. My mind was not on the boys, however. This was the Vietnam era and many of the old taboos were breaking down, but the double standard was still very much in place – good girls didn’t. That was not what I observed, however: All the good girls I knew were doing it and all the bad girls I knew weren’t putting out. I remained a virgin; I just wasn't interested in sex. I was too busy playing sports – basketball, field hockey and softball were my games of choice.”

Things changed in 1971. “There was a girl on the basketball team named Debbie, a very pretty Greek girl. Mind you, there weren’t a lot of ‘ethnic types’ where I went to school. Just black kids and white kids. She had green eyes and beautiful long, thick, straight blonde hair down to her waist. She looked at me one day and said, ‘What do you think of this beauty pageant?’”

Both girls took part and in March 1971, still only 16, Seka was voted Miss Hopewell High School; Debbie came second. “I never thought of myself as a pretty girl,” Seka would later say. “Just average. And if you told me boys were looking at me, I’d have said you were crazy.”

The event was covered by the local newspaper, which announced, “she [Seka] plans to make a career in the field of business. At present Miss Hundley is a junior at Hopewell High and is studying a curriculum in business.”

Beauty pageant winner

The following February, 17 year-old Seka took part in the Miss Southside Hairdressers’ Beauty Pageant. “It was in a small meeting hall. There was no stage… I was scared and I still wasn’t used to walking in high heels, but I was told they should be very high because it made your legs look even better. There were around 20-25 contestants and most of them were not very attractive… I won.”

The local paper wrote: “[She] is a senior at Hopewell High School. She works at Little Pizza Parlor. Her plans for the future are in the field of modelling”. Years later she would recall: “I weighed 160 pounds. I just happened to wear a dress that didn’t make me look that big. I thought ‘Are they blind? I mean I’m 160 pounds. I’m a cow. What’s wrong with these people?’”

“After school and on weekends I worked in a shoe store. One day I finally met a man who interested me. His name was Frank Patton. This man fascinated me – he took a size thirteen and towered over little me at six-foot-six. Our attraction was instant.” She was 17 years old and a virgin on her wedding night.

“He came over and started unbuttoning me. Kissing me. I was five-eight and he was six-seven, so it wasn’t that comfortable for him to be bent over. We were standing and then he picked me up and brought me into the bedroom. It was romantic. He made love to me. It was very slow and gentle. And passionate… In general, my feeling about the lovemaking was, ‘Hmm, so this is what it’s all about. It’s good stuff!’

“I was a housewife, but I was still in high school… I was Miss Hopewell High and they didn’t take too kindly to my marital status. They wanted to suspend me from school because I was married… They decided not to suspend me from school, but I couldn’t open the Junior/Senior Prom because I was married, and they told me they would let me know if I would be allowed to even go to the Prom. I was pissed off about the whole thing. The girls at school were running around with their legs wide open, having sex with anything that moved, and I was being punished. I decided not to even go to the Prom.

“We lived in town near his mama, as he had to be near her. Frank worked at the aluminium factory and I quit the shoe store to work there as well. Unfortunately, one day I was told by the bosses that my short-shorts were too short. The rule was they could be no more than one inch above the knee. Mine were two inches above. I quit on the spot. I felt like Norma Rae – I was striking a blow for women! My bliss was short-lived, however, for on my way home I ran into Frank and his best friend. ‘What are you doing, aren’t you supposed to be at work?’ Frank asked. I said, ‘No, I quit because they won’t let me wear my short-shorts.’ Frank freaked out… My husband was very old-fashioned; after we divorced he found God. He wanted to have children and I didn’t. We’d just gotten married, I was a kid myself. But Frank was determined. He began hiding my birth-control pills from me. But I knew what he was up to, and kept my own stash. To this day, I have no desire to have children. Things were not happening the way I had planned.


“The marriage to Frank was just not going very well. I was very young and didn’t really know the ways of the world. I needed to work, we needed the money, and when Frank mentioned he could get me a job at the local massage parlour I was thrilled. ‘Cool,’ I figured, ‘I can go to work in the evenings, I get to massage people, I’ll make good money.’ Frank’s best friend owned the place and his wife worked there – so how bad could it be? I was in for a rude awakening – the massage parlour was in actuality a house of prostitution! It didn’t take me long to figure that out.”

Although Seka remained at the massage parlour, she refused to offer any ‘extra services’. “They probably figured I was shell-shocked and I’d come around and give hand-jobs and blowjobs or do it ‘all’ like the other girls. But I did give a good massage and had regular clients who just wanted that, so I figured I could continue there.”

It was the beginning of the end of her marriage with Frank though. “Most men don’t want their wives looking at another man, much less touching their privates… I didn’t know which way to turn or what to do. I had no family; I had no friends. All I had was a husband, and he was trying to pimp me out for a quick buck.”

One of her clients was Ken Yontz who owned an adult bookstore across the street from the massage parlour where she worked. They became friendly and he eventually offered her a job as a clerk in one of his stores, which she immediately took.

“The whole thing was strange and yet not so strange… Besides Frank’s, I hadn’t seen any other penises before. But when I saw the size of some of these guys in the movies, I said to myself, ‘Holy crap!’ It didn’t scare me, though. In fact, it all interested me. Even though I was sheltered, none of it offended me at all… I guess you could say it was arousing to me, the same way it is when guys see big boobs for the first time… It’s just something hormonal, I suppose. At the time, I wouldn’t have had any idea what to do with some big huge porn cock – what it would feel like or whether I’d even like it. But hanging around the store was making me feel more comfortable with my own sexuality.”

Seka’s marriage to Frank continued to deteriorate. She still had not forgiven him for sending her to the massage parlour, and ironically, he was unhappy about Seka working in the adult bookstore. After one too many arguments, she decided to leave him. “The whole marriage was only about a year and a half from the time I said ‘I do’ to the time the divorce papers were finalised.”

Miss Hopewell High 1972

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